Paper Bag Workshop
Suryadatta Group of Institutes has announced scholarship to 100 employees in this upcoming educational year to get higher education. As Industry Institute Interface initiativethese employee students will get scholarship. The selection process of this scholarship is based on first come first service and recommendation from HR of the company, said Founder President and Chairman Dr. Sanjay Chordiya.
The Suryadatta Group of Institutes run by Suryadatta Education Foundation was established in the year 1999 with the objective of developing self-motivated leaders, to be successful in the challenging and vibrant global economy.As a part of the ‘Industry Institute Interface’ (CSR) Initiative, Suryadatta Group of Institutes had provide scholarships worth Rs.20 lakh to 100 employees of top ranking companies from last 6 years. Suryadatta Group of Institutes is known for its high quality research, expert management and focus on cultivating leadership. It also associates with its innovative initiatives and community welfare awareness programs.
Dr. Chordiya said that the institute had sent an official letter to various companies asking nominate deserving and loyal employees from their organization. The price of the scholarship is 50% of the Course fees to all nominated employees and 100% to economically weak sector. Suryadatta has sponsored these employees’ education in various fields i.e. Management, IT, Foreign trade, etc. People from the age group 22 – 50 years have been pursuing their education at Suryadatta’s institutes which has Savitribai Phule Pune University affiliated courses such as MMS,MPM,MBS,PGDBM (2 Years), PGDFT ( 1 Year), PGDMM ( 1 Year), PGDIB (1 Year), PGDMLM (1 Year) and PGDFS (1 Year).Courses are affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University and it commences from July 2016. To admission process, recommendation letter from HR department and for more detail information please visit to the website i.e.
Normally, employees are working in shift and they can attend regular classes. Production Managers, Stores Managers, Line Leaders, Sr. Engineers, Hardware and Software Engineers, Team Leaders, Assistant Branch Managers, Directors, Purchase Officers, Store Assistants and Superintendents have completed courses at our institutes. Some important reasons to join SIMIR- Suryadatta is providing facilities i.e. Centrally located in Pune City, knowledge Capital of India, Separate Boys and Girls hostel Facility, Convenient Batch Timings, Modern Infrastructure Facilities, Internet connected Computer Labs, Fully equipped Library and Reading Hall, Access to online database and journals, Rigorous Academics through Regular Classroom Teaching, Induction & orientation program, Seminars, Guest Lectures & Workshops, Training by proven Academicians & Industry Professionals, Case Study Based Learning, Guidance for field work and projects, Regular monitoring of performance of students, Personal Counseling & Mentoring, Opportunity to Learn Foreign Languages, Scholarship for Meritorious Students, Placement Assistance to Eligible Students, Yoga & Meditation Sessions, Participation in CSR initiatives, Knowledge Management Workshops, Participation in inter collegiate competitions for co-curricular and extracurricular activities, sports, quiz and Value Based Education.
Companies like Tata Yazaki (27), Novartis (5), IDBI Bank (1), 2F Steering(I) Ltd (6), Hindustan Coca Cola (5), Sandvik Co. (4), Cipla (2), Kirloskar Chillers (2), Maersk (I) Pvt. Ltd., Chougule (I) Pvt. Ltd., Sahaj Infotech,Bharat Forge ltd, etc. have nominated their workforce for qualification enhancement. This program has received an overwhelming response from the employees of the respective companies. They are extremely grateful to the institute for having such a unique program designed especially for company employees.
The Vision of Suryadatta is to be a world class Centre of Excellence in Learning and Innovation and this is a step ahead in this direction, said Dr. Chordiya.
Every year Suryadatta Group of Institutes conducts Blood Donation Camp / Health Awareness program in theirall group institutes as a part of Edu -Socio Initiative. Suryadatta Group of Institutes is keen on undertaking various social and human initiatives for the betterment of the society and life in general. Suryadatta in consultation with renowned eye specialist and diabetes specialists organized a free health check up camp & 2nd Blood Donation Camp in this semester.
Under Suryadatta’s Social Initiative, Suryadatta’s Design students visited small villages in ‘Velle Taluka’ for rice plantation.
As a part of Suryadatta Edu Socio Initiative, this year alos Suryadatta group of Institutes students executed a very unique program of “Rice Crop plantation, in association with leading Organization; “ Vanrai”.
Vanrai is implementing various social initiatives especially for farmers and social development since last 25 years. And their contribution is very valuable. Vanrai is implementing various projects for supporting farmers and soling their problems.
Suryadatta, leading institution always ahead in the area of Corporate Social Responsibility through Edu Socio connect, joined hands for offering support to the farmers based in Vinzar, Dist : Velhe, a place about 60 kms away from Pune.
This initiative was planned with an objective to inculcate the social responsibility amongst students. Recently under Suryadatta’s Social initiative, Suryadatta’s Design 250 students along with faculties and Principal Prof. Ajit Shinde participated in the act. The whole event was organized and guided by Vairai’s Adv. Nandu Phadake.
During the journey, Organizers explained the objective of these imitative and other details. A group of about 5-7 students was attached with one farmer and these students were in the control of that farmer for the day. And worked there in consultation with farmers for trans plantation of RICE throughout the day for about 30-40 farms. Students enjoyed and learned a lot by the activity, got closer with the life style of the farmers and understood the value of single grain of food. They had lunch with farmers. While sharing the experiences the students had also realized how the Indian farms are incredible part of our country’s economy.
The environment is very supportive in this area for RICE Crop, however, due to shortage of labor, the farmers were not able to do the plantation across the farms. Because of students visit to that place, the farmers could complete about 80 % of their work, and the farmers, villagers and organizers were quite happy with this development. And they thanked students and faculty members for their contribution. These metro people came back to their routine life with refreshing minds, promising to visit the place again next year.
The students of Suryadatta, Bavdhan Campus organized Voluntary Blood Donation Camp on occasion of Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti at Suryadatta’s Bavdhan Campus on 2nd October 2011. This drive was organized keeping in mind our corporate social responsibility and tradition.
The blood donation camp was very well received with faculty members as well as students who participated in this camp. All the students were very enthusiastic about the camp. The blood was first tested for the required hemoglobin levels and then the donors were allowed to donate their blood. Trained professional from Poona Hospital were present for the camp. They first checked the vital signs of the donors and then started the blood donation drive. There were 34 bottles of blood collected. The blood was donated to Poona Hospital Blood Bank. Mr. & Mrs. Dilip Navlakkha were present as chief guests on this occasion, along with Prof. Dr. Sanjay B Chordiya, Founder President and Chairman, Suryadatta Group of Institutes and Mrs. Sushma Chordiya, Vice President, Suryadatta Group of Institutes.
The camp was held at the Bavdhan Campus on Sunday, 2nd October 2011, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Suraydatta has been holding such camps regularly from the last 7 years. Such camps are aimed at educating students on the crucial need for healthy voluntary blood donors, the absolute safety of the process of donating blood and the noble action of saving lives through voluntary blood donation.
The women Reservation Bill is still not being passed by the Parliament and it still lies under a cloud of debate, but this is not deterrent for Rashtravadi Congress Youth leaders and female members, who have initiated various programs for the rural women without taking financial aid from the government.
Founder President & Chairman of Suryadatta Group Of Institutes, Prof. Dr. Sanjay B Chordiya has played a major role in organizing short courses in fashion technology for these women, in various locations in Pune and also dedicating staff from Suryadatta for the courses. Bavdhan Budruk, is a small village just on the outskirts of Pune. Though it is now considered a part of Pune City with its high rise buildings, townships etc., and this development is being limited to the people with financial status. The locals are still deprived of good facilities and jobs, with many leading a hand to mouth existence. This scenario has led President , Youth Rashtravadi Congress, Pune and Panchayat Member (Bavdhan Bk) member Shri Kiran Dagade to start free tailoring and fashion technology classes for women in Bavdhan in association with Suryadatta Institute of Fashion Technology (SIFT). Till now at least 500 women have benefited from this initiative.
As a culmination of this course the women had held an exhibition of clothes tailor by them on the 20th July, 2011, at Suryadatta Bavdhan Campus. This exhibition was blessed by the presence of Khasdar Supriyatai Sule. On this occasion she explained the benefits and importance of packaging & finishing. Supriyatai Sule also requested all the eminent personalities who were present to provide these ladies with opportunities for the sale of their goods. She also touched a very sensitive topic of female feticide & infanticide and explained the need to stop and oppose these practices.
On this occasion Prof. Dr. Sanjay B. Chordiya explained all the various edu -socio activities which have been started for women by Suryadatta Institutes. Shri Kiran Dagade also announced the forthcoming courses for ladies like making beauty products & spices, before thanking all the dignitaries present.
Also present on this occasion were Savitabai Dagade (Z.P President), Shri Babanrao Dagade (ex-Sarpanch), Vaishali Kamble (Sarpanch), Bavdhan Budruk. The program ended with a thought that such programs should be started in every village so that we can become the India which Mahatma Gandhi dreamt of.

- Completes its 2nd Batch of Free English speaking & Computer awareness programme for Auto Rickshaw Drivers & Housewives
- Felicitation ceremony organised on the occasion of completion of 2nd batch in English learning & computer skills at Sahitya Parishad, Tilak Road, 11 am
- On the completion of course certification given to all 80 Auto Drivers and housewives.
- Felicitation done at the hands of Shri Baba Adhav, President of Rickshaw Panchayat & Shri Jayant Umranikar, former Pune Police commissioner
- Next batch of 80 Rickshaw Drivers to commence from Saturday, July 9, 2011 for six months
Learning is an ongoing process, which has nothing to do with age. Whether you are four or you are forty, you are always keen to learn something new. Drawing inspiration from this, Suryadatta had launched its 2nd batch of English speaking & Computer awareness programs offered voluntarily to Auto Rickshaw Drivers & Housewives free of cost.
This training programme for a batch of 80 persons, comprising 40 auto rickshaw drivers and 40 housewives started in January 2011 and completed successfully on June 24, 2011.
On this occasion, Mr Sanjay Chordiya, Chairperson, Suryadatta Group of Institutes, said, “In the 21st century, knowledge of English and to be able to converse in English is a necessity rather than the need of time. The response to the programme was tremendous from both rickshaw-drivers and housewives and we are awarding certificates to 80 candidates of this programme.”
Certificates were distributed to those who have successfully completed the programme at the hands of Shri Baba Adhav, President of Rickshaw Panchayat & Shri Jayant Umranikar, former Pune Police commissioner and Shri Deepak Shikarpur, who were present as Chief Guest and Guest of Honour respectively.
Shri Jayant Umranikar said, “Women are the backbone of family system yet their education remains neglected most of the time. Now days English has become common language for communication. Dr Sanjay Chordiya has always been ahead in undertaking such social initiatives. This initiative by an education institute will help our society go ahead and keep pace with time.”
Shri Baba Adhav said, “Rickshaw drivers always aspire to learn these skills but most of the times cannot make it either due to financial or time constraints, or even both. But by offering these courses free of charge, Suryadatta has not only provided a helping hand to them but also awakened their learning spirit. I congratulate Suryadatta for this innovative and useful activity.”
Shri Deepak Shikarpur said, “With globalization everything is becoming high tech” English speaking and Computer learning is the need of the hour. And hence Suryadatta started this initiative of offering this training to various communities of society in a row. Suryadatta is getting overwhelming response to it.
A housewife is life and blood of the family. Her role in the family is as same as the heart and brain in the human body. A learned and trained housewife can bring in health, happiness, soundness and satisfaction to the family in all the respects and facets of life. One such family into many such families will go a long way in building a developed society and nation. Suryadatta has taken one such initiative to train and impart learning to this vital element of the society.
Contents of the course were as follows,
The English Speaking course comprised of:
- Basic Grammar
- Words and Sentences formation for daily usage
- Writing English with different situational examples
- How to speak clearly so that the other person understands
While the IT/ Computer skills course comprised of: Introduction to computers
- MS office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Paint, Notepad, Calculator, Calendar
- Basic Usage of computers for office and home
In the past, Suryadatta has trained more than 2000 school children, 120 Auto Rickshaw Drivers, 500 women and 100 senior citizens. Senior citizens started communicating with their children abroad with the help of knowledge of Computer, Internet and English language. They also started talking to their grand children’s in English, which was up till then little difficult for them.
Auto rickshaw drivers who completed the training in first batch, are now working as a guide to the passengers coming to Pune, and can communicate with them in English. Taking inspiration from them, the second batch had enrolled prior to completion of the training program of first batch itself. And on completion of first batch, second batch followed immediately.
It was a great opportunity for our students to pledge their support to to Shri Anna Hazare’s “Janlokpal Movement” through a visit to his native “ Ralegaon Siddhi”.
Students of Suryadatta Education Foundation’s PIAT – pursuing Interior Designing course went on a field trip to Shri Anna Hazare’s Ralegan Siddhi to visit the “Ideal Village” on the 18th August, 2011.
Around 200 students and 6 faculty members from PIAT went on this field trip. Students first visited the “Information Center”, checked the awards received by Shri. Anna Hazare and the development in progress in the village. They also visited the “Padmavati Mandir”. Students visited the “Yadavbaba Mandir” where Shri Anna Hazare currently resides.
This excursion helped the students to know about the “Ideal Village” project and they could learn more about Shri Anna Hazare and his movement to fight corruption.
All students who visited Ralegaon Siddhi were highly motivated to support the movement of Shri Anna Hajare and were talking high to fight against corruption. Students from PIAT pledged their support to Shri Anna Hazare’s “Janlokpal Movement” and also expressed their opinions to the various media representatives present.
Tailoring and Fashion Designing education at Suryadatta Group of Institutes were felicitated to mark this occasion. Generally the Diploma in fashion designing takes one year to complete but at Suryadatta, these 200 women completed it in just two months, that too free of cost. They did it from Monday to Sunday, 3 to 4 hours daily. Mrs. Rajeshwari Deshpande, an experienced faculty from Suryadatta trained the ladies in Hand Embroidery, Fashion Designing, Ladies Garments stitching and all kind of stitching from Infants to grandmothers. Stitching is taught first on Papers and then on material, more focus being on paper cutting and stitching on paper.
The course was conducted in Dhankawadi and the next course is starting from 10th March in Suryadatta’s Bavdhan Campus for the women in that area. These ladies received formal certification and an exhibition of more than 200 stitching patterns done by them, has been organized in Durvankur Hall Dhankawadi. This Felication was done at the hands of Pramila Sankala, Leading Social worker, Ms.Savita Dagade, Jillha Parishad Sabhapati and Mr.Kiran Dagade, NCP Youth Congress Vice President Pune.
A seminar for educating people to oppose & stop Female foeticide was arranged by Suryadatta Group of Institutes in association with Dhankawadi , Maharashtra Navnirman Sena on the 25 July 2011 at Usha Palace, Dhankawadi, Teen hatti Chowk, Pune.
This event was attended by Executive Editor General Secretary, Maharashtra NavNirman Sena Shri. Anil Shidore, Actress Usha Chavhan, Founder President & Chairman of Suryadatta Group of Institutes, Prof. Dr. Sanjay B Chordiya, Prabhag Samiti President Shri Vasant More, Sandip Mohite Patil, Jyoti Konde, Sudhir Nivgune and Vishal Thopte.
The chief guest for this seminar was renowned social Worker Smt. Sindhutai Sapkal, who expressed her thoughts on this topic saying that the world is changing rapidly and the women have to face all the challenges with a brave heart. She said that father evokes fear while a mother evokes pain. She also said that girls should not expose as it does not fit into our Indian culture. A thought put forward was that a girl is more patient and can take hardships better than a boy and urged all present not to underestimate women. She also said that we cannot take our generation forward without women, so if there are no women there wont be anyone in the world.
Prof. Dr Sanjay Chordiya also spoke on this occasion. He stated that the boy:girl ratio is 1000:800 which is a very alarming scenario. He gave examples of Smt. Sindhutai Sapkal, Kalpana Chawla, women who have made us proud and said that with such examples in front of us thinking about female feticide is certainly not acceptable. He said that for the complete development of our nation it is necessary that women from our nation give birth to children and teach them to become good and responsible citizens.
Since this has been the hot topic of the day and its awareness has become the need of the hour, Suryadatta supported this initiative of MNS. Suryadatta has successfully completed programs to enable women to become financially independent like Fashion design Courses, Beauty Parlour courses. Suryadatta is currently conducted classes for women where they are taught to create 36 various spices. This awareness program was attended by over 1000 women.
Suryadatta Group of Institutes organizes Blood Donation Camp on the occasion of International Teacher’s Day
Pune, October 10, 2012: Suryadatta Group of Institutes organized blood donation camps on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti Celebration Week. These camps were organized at Bavdhan and Sadashiv Peth Campus of Suryadatta Group of Institutes which collected 120 bottles of blood. These camps were organized to meet the ever increasing need for blood. It aimed at spreading awareness on the importance of blood donation and how every drop of blood donated can save lives.
The camp organized at Bavdhan was in association with Poona Hospital & Research Centre (Rakesh Jain Memorial Blood Bank) which collected 72 bottles of blood from students and faculty. At Sadashiv Peth campus, the camp was organized in association with Lata Mangeshkar Medical Foundation’s Dinanath Mangeshkar Hospital & Research Centre which collected 47 bottles. Over hundreds of enthusiastic students along with faculty members came forward voluntarily to support this noble initiative. This was a day long program wherein every donor donated blood after passing through preliminary medical tests like BP, HB, weight-check etc.
Dr. Sanjay Chordiya, Chairman, Suryadatta Group of Institutes having himself donated for this cause, appreciated participation by students and faculty members. He commented, “Blood is the lifeline of mankind and blood donation is a noble cause to be associated with. We thank all the participants for their contribution towards this cause. Our institute will continue to be associated with such humanitarian causes.” For the past seven years, Suryadatta Group of Institutes has been conducting blood donation camps in Pune twice a year and plans to continue taking such initiatives in the years to come.
About Suryadatta Group of Institutes
The 14 year old Suryadatta Group of Institute caters to a holistic approach to teaching that lays great amount of emphasis upon the student's intelligence quotient, emotional quotient and spiritual quotient, through a wide array of curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. With its vision to be a world class centre of excellence in innovative learning, Suryadatta has brought in significant change by combining the best of Indian sensibilities with a western outlook. It aims to be rated amongst the premier education institute, offering contemporary education, using state-of-the art technology, spearheading high quality research.
Students of Suryadatta Group of Institutes clasp Mother Nature, Nurtures the Nurturer
Pune, August 16, 2012: Defining education and environment as the pillars of a budding society, the Suryadatta Group of Institutes group participated in a rural socio initiative of rice crop plantation in a rural area of Vinzar, Dist Velhe close to Pune organized by Vanarai. This program is a part of Suryadatta Edu Socio Initiative where around 400 students of Management, IT and Hotel Management of the Suryadatta Group of Institutes executed this unique and enriching program of Rice Crop Plantation in association with Vanarai which offers support to farmers of the country. The students dedicatedly worked throughout the day and planted rice crop in 40 farms in a single day to help the farmers.
This initiative intended to offer support to the farmers of the district and also aimed to create a sense of social responsibility among the students of the institute. Students from Suryadatta came together to take this initiative forward and extended a helping hand to the farmers for rice plantation.
Monsoon acts as a supporting season in this environment for the growth of rice but due to lack of manpower, these farmers were unable to carry out plantation across the farms. A group of about five to seven students worked in consultation with farmers for trans plantation of rice. Farmers and the villagers were highly appreciative of the efforts by the students and were thankful to the college for the contribution.
Dr. Sanjay Chordiya, Chairman, Suryadatta Group of Institutes said “The youth of today are the leader of tomorrow and it is our responsibility to not only educate them but also to provide them with opportunities to learn, grow and succeed. Hence we aim to mentor and empower the youth of today to have sensitivity towards various issues arising in the society and make efforts to resolve them” The Suryadatta Group of Institutes carries out a variety of social initiatives in the areas of environment where it actively involves its students in implementing these projects. As a socially responsible institute, the Suryadatta Group has contributed immensely in enhancing the rural socio development of the society.
As Suryadatta continues to stride ahead in realizing the aspirations of its students and its mission, they remain conscious of their responsibility towards the society. Such initiatives give them the sense of fulfillment and also enable them to make a difference in the lives of people